How to switch between two webviews of app

Hello! I am trying to test android app, and it contains two webviews inside. So how can i perform such manipulation?

If i run “getContextHandles” command, it returns two items: “NATIVE_APP” and “WEBVIEW_{package}”, so when i choose “WEBVIEW_…” i able to work with one WEBVIEW ONLY.

Also i saw some threads , where getWindowHandles command has been recommended in order to find the dynamic id of existing webviews, but it also does not work(reason: while app raise up, i get error like “has not been implemented yet”)

Could somebody help me in it? If yes - could you show some certain example of how it needs to be implemented?

Thanks in advance!

android ver: 5.0.1+
appium ver: 1.6.4

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