How to use Google account with Device Farm?

Context: I’m trying to switch our Appium tests from emulators/simulators run on self-hosted machines to real devices.
Framework: WebdriverIO w/ Appium (UiAutomator2)

Device Farm provides real devices (I don’t want to use private ones there) but the problem is that to log in to our app I need to use Google Sign-In.

  • I haven’t found any way to sign in with a user before I run my tests so that all I need to do is to choose one of the signed-in users on the Google’s “Choose an account” screen. Device Farm seems not to provide such a feature.
  • Using “Add another account” on above-mentioned screen in before hook seems to be a good workaround but then Google’s “Verify it’s you” screen shows up asking me for a verification code and I can’t go any further.

What’s your approach to Google and Device Farm?
It seems to be a problem that somebody has already run across