How to use resourceIdMatches to return a UiCollection

I’m writing some Appium Tests and I’m running into an issue where I need to select a bunch of UiElements that all start with “favorite_star-” and then a number (so favorite_start-0, favorite_star-1, etc).

I’m trying to use PageObjects to select these all into a UiCollection using the following:

[FindsByAndroidUIAutomator(AndroidUIAutomator = "new UiCollection().resourceIdMatches(\"favorite_star-\\d.\")", Priority = 1)]
private IMobileElement<AppiumWebElement> favoriteStarList;

This doesn’t seem to work, so I’m sure I’m doing something wrong. Anyone know what I’m missing here?

@MrCyber met same needs. Example to find element by id = “support”

    @AndroidFindBy(uiAutomator = "new UiScrollable(new UiSelector()).scrollIntoView("
            + "new UiSelector().resourceIdMatches(\".*id/support\"))")
    private AndroidElement support;