How to verify Toast message

I am testing application which have toast messages. I need to verify those toast messages but i am stuck. Please help me

no help. no faith. just can’t or can but it does not reliable (image recognition).

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@Aleksei There is no other way…because it is imp for me.

ios or android?

  • for ios, you can do by driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[contains(@label, ‘" + text + "’)]")
  • for android selendroid mode, can do by findByPartialLinkText
  • for android native mdoe, sorry not supported, you will need third party library.
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@chrisjywu Thanks . i will try. Please suggest library for native app.

Thank you , I will try it.

Can you share snippet for How to Verify Android app present or not into device and if it is not present then how to install it.

please, I need a solution on it…help me

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@chrisjywu Thanks for the response but i already tried it . But i am unable to implement it. Please suggest me any simple tutorial for it. Thanks in advance.

Hello ,
Thanks for sharing the link, i tried the given example at my end but toast message image is not converted in text. Below is the screen image and output after OCR ,

please help?