How to Work to Two different Android Device (Which act as Sender & Receiver)

Hi All,
I’m working on Native Anroid App, Need an help in switching between two different devices. I want to Login as a Sender in one Adnroid device using Native App. Once the action is performed has to switch to another Android device and lauch the same Native App as a Receiver.

    I'm very confused in creating a differenet session for two different Android devices. How to switch between one Android device to another Android device & how to launch the same app as a receiver.

Much appreciate for your help.


You need to work with selenium grid.
Selenium grid is basically a hub with an address. For example “http://localhost:4444/wd/hub
You connect nodes to the hub using a command from the terminal: appium --nodeconfig -p 4726 --command-timeout (each node talks to a different android device for example). - you can find the exact command online
Your script talks to the hub, the hub talks to the nodes, the nodes talk to the android devices.

I m working in same nature of app, but I do not want to use grid. Basically I m launching two appium instances one for Android and another for ios and vice versa. I was using service executors to maintain two threads one for sender and another for receiver.