How we can test calling functionality

Hi ,

This is Ramesh. I came across a scenario where I need to verify audio call.
scenario: Two device A and B

a) device A should make a Call to B
b) device B should accept the call. (up to here I can able to do it)
c) Now I need to talk in device A and I need to verify in device B

How can I automate the scenario. Can anyone explain me ASAP


Hi ramesh …
I think to cover this scenario you have to use selenium grid with appium and execute two different script…
if any share any other idea please let me know

Amit thanks for the response. But I my question was how we can test audio.

your application display any message after connecting the audio call …

After call connected, time will be displayed. And I want to speak on Device A and want to know whether device B received.

@rameshkvv One of the possible way to listen is have automatic call recorder which can record the call (you will automatic call recording apps in any Mobile OS), make sure you have a timer for 30 seconds set from the time you pick up the call so that you have enough data to make sure the audio quality

Thanks for the reply

I need to pass audio file in between the calling. How I can overcome this functionality
After receiving call I need to pass some audio as a input.

Can anyone reply ASAP