Hybrid android app automation using Appium

I am new to Hybrid Android app automation…
can any one help me how to start with it…
as i have done with android app automation but unable to do it with hybrid app…
what is context??
how to use webview and its element?

I have written one article you can read it and get sample code also

thanx 4 ur reply.
i tried that.but i am finding only 1 context in the list that is Native_APP.didnt find wenview and its throwing error as no element found
please help

WebView context will return only if

WebView debugging should be enabled. Developer must enable ‘setWebContentsDebuggingEnabled’ flag in the WebView class. This flag enables debugging of web contents (HTML / CSS / JavaScript) loaded into any WebViews of app.

Thank you so much…m able to find webview now.

can you help me how to select date from datepicker in hybrid app

If date picker is also in web view then selenium way of selecting date will work.

other wise for native context you can use normal appium methods where did u stucked ??

I am not able to click on datepicker.
as i am finding its id in uiautomater but unable to click on that .

please share screen shot of uiautomator and appium server logs …

its works…
thanx :slight_smile:

Hi Tanvi922,
I’m facing difficulties about using datepicker. Could you tell me how you manage it ?
