Hybrid App iOS - Saucelabs

Using Appium 1.8 and running automated scripts for both iOS and Android, majorly using WebView (on real devices in Saucelabs). The app is designed to log the user out, if they are not active for certain time. This is recent change on timeout in the app. Now android is able to complete all the tests, but for some reason iOS is logging out the user at the designated inactivity timeout, although the user is performing all the clicks and interactions without any issues. I have used TouchAction and Sequence classes to emulate real user taps instead of usual click() as present in the our scripts, but no luck still. Please help!

Your Appium version is very old, like 5-6 years old. You might need to update to version > 2.

Thanks so much for your reply. I kind of figured that out, will have to get my team upgrade it.

I feel this feature could be left out of the debug build. I would at least ask Dev if they could comment out or extend the time since it seems to be interfering with current automation.