Hybrid app testing : not able to access elements from index.html

Steps to install and start the proxy server
Settings > Safari > Advanced > Web Inspector = ON shoul be set on yhe ios device
1.brew install ios-webkit-debug-proxy
2.Start the appium server
3.Open a new Command prompt and start the webkit proxy : “ios_webkit_debug_proxy”
:9221 for the device list
:9222 for the first iOS device that is attached
:9223 for the second iOS device that is attached

:9322 for the max device
4.Open a new Command prompt and start the proxy on port 27753: “ios_webkit_debug_proxy -c udid:27753 -d”

To inspect the elements :
5.Navigate to localhost:9221. You’ll see a listing of all connected devices.
6.Right click on the link and tap on open link:
such kind of a link is opened on the new tab :“chrome-devtools://devtools/bundled/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/devtools/page/1”