I can't get C# W3c swipe action working in android

hi Team,

We have written a swipe functionality using W3C actions and it is working fine in iOS but in android it is not working.

Appium version - 2.10.3
uiautomator2 version - 3.6.1

Below is the code

using Leapwork.Mobile.Core;
using Leapwork.Mobile.Core.Enums.Commands;
using Leapwork.Mobile.Core.Options.Commands;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Appium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Appium.Interactions;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Interactions;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using PointerInputDevice = OpenQA.Selenium.Appium.Interactions.PointerInputDevice;

namespace Leapwork.Mobile.Appium.Commands
    public abstract class AppiumMobileSwipeElementCommand<TExecutor, TDriver> : AppiumMobileCommand<TExecutor, TDriver>
		where TExecutor : AppiumMobileDriver<TDriver>
		where TDriver : AppiumDriver
		protected AppiumMobileSwipeElementCommand(IMobileElement element, SwipeOptions options, int moveToDelayMilliseconds = 50)
			Element = element;
			Options = options;

			var heightStep = element.Bounds.Height / 4;
			var heightDelta = heightStep > 0 ? heightStep : 1;
			heightDeltaScaled = heightDelta * options.Length;

			var widthStep = element.Bounds.Width / 4;
			var widthDelta = widthStep > 0 ? widthStep : 1;
			widthDeltaScaled = widthDelta * options.Length;
			MoveToDelayMilliseconds = moveToDelayMilliseconds;

		private readonly int heightDeltaScaled;
		private readonly int widthDeltaScaled;

		protected readonly int MoveToDelayMilliseconds;
		protected IMobileElement Element { get; }
		protected SwipeOptions Options { get; }

		protected override void Execute(TExecutor executor)
			var inputDevice = new PointerInputDevice(PointerKind.Touch,"swipeTouch");
			var swipeActionSequence = new ActionSequence(inputDevice, 0);

				var center = GetElementCenter();
				executor.Log.Debug($"Element center calculated at ({center.X}, {center.Y}).");
				var destination = GetTouchDestination(center);
				executor.Log.Debug($"Touch destination calculated at ({destination.X}, {destination.Y}).");

				//Creating swipe sequence
				swipeActionSequence.AddAction(inputDevice.CreatePointerMove(CoordinateOrigin.Viewport, center.X, center.Y, TimeSpan.Zero));

				swipeActionSequence.AddAction(inputDevice.CreatePointerMove(CoordinateOrigin.Viewport, destination.X, destination.Y, TimeSpan.Zero));

				//Performing swipe action sequence
				executor.Driver.PerformActions(new List<ActionSequence> { swipeActionSequence });
				executor.Log.Debug("Swipe actions performed successfully.");
			catch (Exception ex)
				executor.Log.Error($"Error while executing swipe action: {ex.Message}");

		private Point GetElementCenter()
			var x = Element.Bounds.Left + Element.Bounds.Width / 2;
			var y = Element.Bounds.Top + Element.Bounds.Height / 2;

			return new Point(x, y);
		private Point GetTouchDestination(Point center)
			var x = 0;
			var y = 0;

			switch (Options.Direction)
				case ElementSwipeDirection.Left:
					x = center.X - widthDeltaScaled;
					y = center.Y;
				case ElementSwipeDirection.Right:
					x = center.X + widthDeltaScaled;
					y = center.Y;
				case ElementSwipeDirection.Up:
					x = center.X;
					y = center.Y - heightDeltaScaled;
				case ElementSwipeDirection.Down:
					x = center.X;
					y = center.Y + heightDeltaScaled;

			var point = new Point(x, y);

			return point;

Kindly assist

@mykola-mokhnach Could you please assist here ?

update : I just increased the timeout, then it shows some swipe action performing at my device but does not perform fully.

@Aleksei any inputs from your side ?

With Android enable to show touches and coordinates in debug menu. See where actually swipe action happens. Check manually that it can work using same coordinates. Often with app there are places where start swipe action not work.

also are you moving TOO fast? try increase move time to some value above zero.