In order for Appium to notice a change in the page I have to call $driver.source

In order for Appium to notice a change in the page I have to call $driver.source?

The page in question has a list of products. When you click ‘add’ on one of these products then the Add button dynamically changes to a +/- set to increase or decrease quantity.

In order for Appium to see these new +- buttons I have to oddly call $driver.source, otherwise I will get a Selenium::WebDriver::Error::NoSuchElementError.

Oddly enough, if i’ve attached the Appium desktop tool to my session, I can refresh the scrnsht and then my script will find the +/- also.

I have used Appium for a while and never come across this.

Appium v1.8.1
Appium_lib 9.15.1

What have I done wrong?

Try appium@beta with uiatomator2 automation backend

Yep that fixed it. Thanks @mykola-mokhnach