I am working in mobile web application.
I could able to get the xpaths of the objects using firefox iphone user agent.
We have our login page as “https//” url. Objects in that page is not identified by iPhone user agent and i have tried the uiaumatorviewer.
Do we have any other tools identify the xpaths of objects.
Thanks in advance,
I suggest trying the safari inspector and/or the chrome dev tools.
View will be different when we use the mobile and desktop browser.
When the site is https://, you will get only the desktop view
Both safari and chrome have dev tools that work on mobile devices.
Could you please explain how can i get the xpath from mobile view.?
I know dev tools are available for desktop versions. Also when i launch the same url in mobile and desktop browsers will be different.
@bootstraponline, I have trick using u can capture mobile site in ur browser and use Selenium Web driver IDE. From Firefox, you need to add User Agent add one. Which emulate your mobile browser in your machine’s firefox. U can record script just like traditional web site…
I had use this trick in my github code. Trust me that works fine…
Priyank Shah
Cool. User Agent spoofing is a great way to test the mobile sites on desktop browsers.
I am using the iPhone 3.0 User Agent, That works only the site address starts with “m.xxx.com”.
In my case, address starts with “https://”, same url looks different in mobile desktop browsers.
Dev tools is working fine for me.
Thanks a lot.
Its working fine, i can able to find the XPATHS.