Instruments socket client never checked in; timing out (global)


I have recently been trying to start using Appium to automate tests. I have everything set up (from node.js to the app itself) and have tried running a server. The server starts normally. However, when I start the Inspector, it initially seems to load, however it gives me this line:

warn: Instruments socket client never checked in; timing out (global)

Before retrying 3 times (and giving the same error 3 times) and then telling me the Inspector could not be started.
I have Xcode 5.1.1 (I have downgraded because of problems with Appium and Xcode 6) and Instruments seems to work normally when I manually launch it. I have no idea what’s causing this, and searching the web has yielded no results.

I’d appreciate any help!

Bump, please help…

I’m getting the same error on one of my apps.
I got 2 app for different projects, one is working fine, but when trying to Launch the other app I get this error everytime.

XCode 5.1.1
Appium 1.2.2 (Cygnus)

@jlipps any ideas about this?

I updated to Appium 1.3.1
I build my apps with xcode6, but I use the xcode5 simulator to launch and run the apps.
I’m not getting that error anymore.

I am still getting this issue.
Xcode - 5.0
Appium 1.3.1

Can you please tell the solution you did.

Any solution for this?