iOS 10 : Hybrid App, WebView, Tap with offset not working

Hello All,

I’m on Xcode 8 and iOS 10.0.2 (iPad Mini 4) with Appium 1.6 and trying to automate an hybrid app (runs in Landscape mode) using XCUITest automation name. Referred a github thread with solution at
Trying to tap on elements, using the above approach (tried with and without service bar height).It worked for one element, tapped on wrong element for second and did not for other 2 elements on my login screen.I tried with driver.tap(1,x,y,10) and TouchAction.tap(x,y).perform();No luck so far. Am I missing something in the code?

Attached appium logs, code and output.
appium_logs.txt (16.8 KB)
code.txt (5.2 KB)
prog_console.txt (2.3 KB)

I appreciate your inputs on this.

Found that the issue is with XCT Framework. WebDriverAgent is given incorrect co-ordinates of the UI Elements, if the app is in landscape mode. Waiting for the fix, as my application works only in Landscape mode.