iOS App automation using C#

Hi All,

We have iOS and Android apps, which are doing same functionalities. Planning to use C# for iOS app & Android App automation. Would like to use same code base with Windows OS & Mac OS to test Android and iOS apps.

Couple of queries:

  1. Anybody used C# along with Appium to test any iOS app successfully?
  2. How much can be reused across iOS & Android apps.?
  3. What are the challenges would exist to keep common code base/


You’ll need to use something like Mono to run C# on a Mac:

I’ve seen people post on this forum that they’ve had success using Appium coding in C# on the Windows platform, but not on a Mac.

This will be the most challenging aspect of your project, because you can’t test an iOS device on anything but a Mac, because Xcode is required (and instruments). You could try running a virtual machine with OS X, but that may have it’s own challenges.


Experiencing challenges and trying it…

  1. I developed test automation framework with C# and Appium.
  2. The reusability depends on how close logically your iOS and Android apps. In my case it’s about %70-80.
  3. FindsByIOSUIAutomation and FindsByAndroidUIAutomator attributes help to locate an element on both platforms in page objects.

Thanks Andrey.

Do you write C# code from Mac OS? I faced few challenges and unable to write from Mac OS…