Ios app crashes after launch - error: Could not pre-launch appium: Error: App did not have elements

Did anyone get to the bottom of this?

Seems this is an open issue on Github. My workaround is to build the app with xcode 6 but set the x-code path in Appium to use xcode 5.11 - (have them both installed)

error: Could not pre-launch appium: Error: App did not have elements

How to resolve this? I am using Xcode 6.1 for iOS 8 simulator

Still no answer to this?
I’m facing the same Xcode 6.1 + iOS 8 Sim issue.

Have you tried to update Xcode and Appium?

I have the same problem, I’ve got Xcode 6.2 and Appium 1.3.7.
@sam How to you do this : “x-code path in Appium to use xcode 5.11 - (have them both installed)” ? How install 2 xcode ?
note : I don’t have a apple dev account, is this mandatory ?
Thanks a lot !

Happening to me also from time to time

XCode6.3 / appium1.4

xcode 6.4 / appium 1.3.8 +1

Still occurring in Appium Version 1.4.8 (Draco) and Xcode Version 6.4 (6E35b)

I’m facing the same issue :frowning: any updates ?

I do get this error too at the time of accepting or rejecting iPhone native alerts such as location alerts .
Please let me know if anybody has solution to this.