iOS App Will Not launch on Real device - Failed to start Instruments daemon on 'Christopher's iPhone (9.2)' (The service is invalid.)

Appium v1.4.13
MAC OSX 10.11.3
XCode 7.0.1
iOS Device iOS 9.2 - iPhone6

This app has been generated from Xcode by a valid developer with a development certificate and provisioning profile.

Java Source Code**********

public class appiumCapabilities {

AppiumDriver driver;

public void setUp(){

public void testAppiumLaunchOnIOSdevice() throws MalformedURLException, InterruptedException {

    DesiredCapabilities caps = new DesiredCapabilities();
    File app = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir")+ "//iOS_app//app_name_3.4_2987.ipa");
    caps.setCapability("deviceName", "Christopher's iPhone");
    caps.setCapability("platformVersion", "9.2");
    caps.setCapability("udid", "7f5659bd40099b5f5809fcdb0e7c05b2bcd79ff2");
    caps.setCapability("app", app.getAbsolutePath());
    driver = new IOSDriver(new URL(""), caps);
    driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS);



public void tearDown(){



IntelliJ Error**
org.openqa.selenium.SessionNotCreatedException: A new session could not be created. (Original error: Instruments crashed on startup) (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information)
Command duration or timeout: 119.35 seconds
Build info: version: ‘2.50.0’, revision: ‘1070ace4650453d518aeb03e7a9a36c9d264a8e7’, time: ‘2016-01-27 10:46:18’
System info: host: ‘Christophers-MacBook-Air.local’, ip: ‘’, ‘Mac OS X’, os.arch: ‘x86_64’, os.version: ‘10.11.3’, java.version: ‘1.7.0_79’
Driver info: io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSDriver

Appium Server Log*
Launching Appium with command: ‘/Applications/’ lib/server/main.js --address “” --callback-address “” --callback-port “4723” --command-timeout “7200” --debug-log-spacing --platform-version “8.4” --platform-name “iOS” --default-device

info: Welcome to Appium v1.4.13 (REV c75d8adcb66a75818a542fe1891a34260c21f76a)

info: Appium REST http interface listener started on

info: [debug] Non-default server args: {“address”:“”,“callbackAddress”:“”,“callbackPort”:4723,“platformName”:“iOS”,“platformVersion”:“8.4”,“defaultDevice”:true,“defaultCommandTimeout”:7200,“debugLogSpacing”:true}
info: Console LogLevel: debug

info: --> GET /wd/hub/status {}

info: [debug] Responding to client with success: {“status”:0,“value”:{“build”:{“version”:“1.4.13”,“revision”:“c75d8adcb66a75818a542fe1891a34260c21f76a”}}}

info: <-- GET /wd/hub/status 200 12.545 ms - 105 {“status”:0,“value”:{“build”:{“version”:“1.4.13”,“revision”:“c75d8adcb66a75818a542fe1891a34260c21f76a”}}}

info: --> GET /wd/hub/status {}
info: [debug] Responding to client with success: {“status”:0,“value”:{“build”:{“version”:“1.4.13”,“revision”:“c75d8adcb66a75818a542fe1891a34260c21f76a”}}}

info: <-- GET /wd/hub/status 200 6.751 ms - 105 {“status”:0,“value”:{“build”:{“version”:“1.4.13”,“revision”:“c75d8adcb66a75818a542fe1891a34260c21f76a”}}}

info: --> POST /wd/hub/session {“desiredCapabilities”:{“platformVersion”:“9.2”,“app”:"/Users/crhoads/IdeaProjects/Appium/iOS_app/app_name_3.4_2987.ipa",“deviceName”:“Christopher’s iPhone”,“platformName”:“iOS”,“udid”:“7f5659bd40099b5f5809fcdb0e7c05b2bcd79ff2”}}

info: Client User-Agent string: Apache-HttpClient/4.3.3 (java 1.5)

info: *************************************
info: *************************************
info: *************************************
info: *************************************
info: *************************************
info: *************************************
info: *************************************
info: *************************************
info: **** NEW SESSION ***
info: **** NEW SESSION ***
info: **** NEW SESSION ***
info: **** NEW SESSION ***
info: **** NEW SESSION ***
info: **** NEW SESSION ***
info: **** NEW SESSION ***
info: **** NEW SESSION ***
info: *************************************
info: *************************************
info: *************************************
info: *************************************
info: *************************************
info: *************************************
info: *************************************
info: *************************************

info: [debug] Using local .ipa from desired caps: /Users/crhoads/IdeaProjects/Appium/iOS_app/app_name_3.4_2987.ipa
info: [debug] Copying local zip to tmp dir

info: [debug] /Users/crhoads/IdeaProjects/Appium/iOS_app/app_name_3.4_2987.ipa copied to /var/folders/s3/qp6cmrmn4751jv69qyyl7ksm0000gn/T/116029-709-1p5u959/

info: [debug] Unzipping /var/folders/s3/qp6cmrmn4751jv69qyyl7ksm0000gn/T/116029-709-1p5u959/

info: [debug] Testing zip archive: /var/folders/s3/qp6cmrmn4751jv69qyyl7ksm0000gn/T/116029-709-1p5u959/

info: [debug] Zip archive tested clean

info: [debug] Unzip successful

info: [debug] Using locally extracted app: /var/folders/s3/qp6cmrmn4751jv69qyyl7ksm0000gn/T/116029-709-1p5u959/Payload/

info: [debug] Creating new appium session 1e61bfc3-a737-4a54-ae3f-88f97b325b49
info: [debug] Removing any remaining instruments sockets
info: [debug] Cleaned up instruments socket /tmp/instruments_sock
info: [debug] Auto-detecting iOS udid…
info: [debug] Not auto-detecting udid, running on sim

info: [debug] Parsed app Info.plist (as binary)
info: [debug] Parsed app Localizable.strings
info: [debug] Getting bundle ID from app
info: [debug] Could not parse plist file (as binary) at /var/folders/s3/qp6cmrmn4751jv69qyyl7ksm0000gn/T/116029-709-1p5u959/Payload/
info: Will try to parse the plist file as XML

info: [debug] Parsed app Info.plist (as XML)

info: [debug] Creating instruments
info: [debug] Preparing uiauto bootstrap
info: [debug] Dynamic bootstrap dir: /Users/crhoads/Library/Application Support/appium/bootstrap
info: [debug] Dynamic env: {“nodePath”:"/Applications/",“commandProxyClientPath”:"/Applications/",“instrumentsSock”:"/tmp/instruments_sock",“interKeyDelay”:null,“justLoopInfinitely”:false,“autoAcceptAlerts”:false,“autoDismissAlerts”:false,“sendKeyStrategy”:“grouped”}

info: [debug] Dynamic bootstrap code: // This file is automatically generated. Do not manually modify!

info: [debug] Dynamic bootstrap path: /Users/crhoads/Library/Application Support/appium/bootstrap/bootstrap-5923cadea0343e3f.js

info: [debug] Reusing dynamic bootstrap: /Users/crhoads/Library/Application Support/appium/bootstrap/bootstrap-5923cadea0343e3f.js
info: [debug] Attempting iOS device log capture via libimobiledevice idevicesyslog

info: [debug] Creating iDevice object with udid 7f5659bd40099b5f5809fcdb0e7c05b2bcd79ff2

info: [debug] App is installed.

info: [debug] fullReset not requested. No need to install.
info: [debug] Starting command proxy.

info: [debug] Instruments socket server started at /tmp/instruments_sock
info: [debug] Starting instruments

info: [debug] Instruments is at: /Applications/

info: Launching instruments

info: [debug] Attempting to run app on real device with UDID 7f5659bd40099b5f5809fcdb0e7c05b2bcd79ff2
info: [debug] Spawning instruments with command: /Applications/ -t /Applications/ -D /tmp/appium-instruments/instrumentscli0.trace -w 7f5659bd40099b5f5809fcdb0e7c05b2bcd79ff2 com.package.test.packagename.testing -e UIASCRIPT “/Users/crhoads/Library/Application Support/appium/bootstrap/bootstrap-5923cadea0343e3f.js” -e UIARESULTSPATH /tmp/appium-instruments
info: [debug] And extra without-delay env: {}
info: [debug] And launch timeouts (in ms): {“global”:90000}

info: [debug] [INST STDERR] 2016-01-29 17:26:23.246 instruments[745:7408] Failed to start Instruments daemon on ‘Christopher’s iPhone (9.2)’ (The service is invalid.)

info: [debug] [INST] Waiting for device to boot…

info: [debug] [INST STDERR] 2016-01-29 17:26:24.213 instruments[745:7382] Failed to start Instruments daemon on ‘Christopher’s iPhone (9.2)’ (The service is invalid.)

info: --> GET /wd/hub/status {}

info: [debug] Responding to client with success: {“status”:0,“value”:{“build”:{“version”:“1.4.13”,“revision”:“c75d8adcb66a75818a542fe1891a34260c21f76a”},“isShuttingDown”:false},“sessionId”:“1e61bfc3-a737-4a54-ae3f-88f97b325b49”}

info: <-- GET /wd/hub/status 200 3.143 ms - 179 {“status”:0,“value”:{“build”:{“version”:“1.4.13”,“revision”:“c75d8adcb66a75818a542fe1891a34260c21f76a”},“isShuttingDown”:false},“sessionId”:“1e61bfc3-a737-4a54-ae3f-88f97b325b49”}

info: [debug] [INST STDERR] Instruments Usage Error : Timed out waiting for device to boot: “Christopher’s iPhone (9.2)”

info: [debug] [INSTSERVER] Instruments exited with code 255

info: [debug] Killall instruments
info: [debug] Instruments crashed on startup
info: [debug] Attempting to retry launching instruments, this is retry #1
info: [debug] Killall iOS Simulator

info: Launching instruments

info: [debug] Attempting to run app on real device with UDID 7f5659bd40099b5f5809fcdb0e7c05b2bcd79ff2

info: [debug] Spawning instruments with command: /Applications/ -t /Applications/ -D /tmp/appium-instruments/instrumentscli0.trace -w 7f5659bd40099b5f5809fcdb0e7c05b2bcd79ff2 com.package_name.test.package_name.testing -e UIASCRIPT “/Users/crhoads/Library/Application Support/appium/bootstrap/bootstrap-5923cadea0343e3f.js” -e UIARESULTSPATH /tmp/appium-instruments
info: [debug] And extra without-delay env: {}
info: [debug] And launch timeouts (in ms): {“global”:90000}

info: [debug] [INST STDERR] 2016-01-29 17:26:59.560 instruments[758:8139] Failed to start Instruments daemon on ‘Christopher’s iPhone (9.2)’ (The service is invalid.)

info: [debug] [INST] Waiting for device to boot…

info: [debug] [INST STDERR] 2016-01-29 17:27:00.273 instruments[758:8089] Failed to start Instruments daemon on ‘Christopher’s iPhone (9.2)’ (The service is invalid.)

info: [debug] [INST STDERR] Instruments Usage Error : Timed out waiting for device to boot: “Christopher’s iPhone (9.2)”

info: [debug] [INSTSERVER] Instruments exited with code 255

info: [debug] Killall instruments
info: [debug] Instruments crashed on startup
info: [debug] Attempting to retry launching instruments, this is retry #2
info: [debug] Killall iOS Simulator

info: Launching instruments

info: [debug] Attempting to run app on real device with UDID 7f5659bd40099b5f5809fcdb0e7c05b2bcd79ff2
info: [debug] Spawning instruments with command: /Applications/ -t /Applications/ -D /tmp/appium-instruments/instrumentscli0.trace -w 7f5659bd40099b5f5809fcdb0e7c05b2bcd79ff2 com.packagename.test.packagename.testing -e UIASCRIPT “/Users/crhoads/Library/Application Support/appium/bootstrap/bootstrap-5923cadea0343e3f.js” -e UIARESULTSPATH /tmp/appium-instruments
info: [debug] And extra without-delay env: {}
info: [debug] And launch timeouts (in ms): {“global”:90000}

info: [debug] [INST STDERR] 2016-01-29 17:27:35.864 instruments[769:8624] Failed to start Instruments daemon on ‘Christopher’s iPhone (9.2)’ (The service is invalid.)

info: [debug] [INST STDERR] Instruments Usage Error : Specified target process is invalid: com.packagename.test.packagename.testing

info: [debug] [INST STDERR] instruments, version 7.0.1 (58157)
usage: instruments [-t template] [-D document] [-l timeLimit] [-i #] [-w device] [[-p pid] | [application [-e variable value] [argument …]]]
info: [debug] [INSTSERVER] Instruments exited with code 255
info: [debug] Killall instruments
info: [debug] Instruments crashed on startup
info: [debug] Attempting to retry launching instruments, this is retry #3
info: [debug] Killall iOS Simulator

info: Launching instruments

info: [debug] Attempting to run app on real device with UDID 7f5659bd40099b5f5809fcdb0e7c05b2bcd79ff2
info: [debug] Spawning instruments with command: /Applications/ -t /Applications/ -D /tmp/appium-instruments/instrumentscli0.trace -w 7f5659bd40099b5f5809fcdb0e7c05b2bcd79ff2 com.packagename.test.package.testing -e UIASCRIPT “/Users/crhoads/Library/Application Support/appium/bootstrap/bootstrap-5923cadea0343e3f.js” -e UIARESULTSPATH /tmp/appium-instruments
info: [debug] And extra without-delay env: {}
info: [debug] And launch timeouts (in ms): {“global”:90000}

info: --> GET /wd/hub/status {}

info: [debug] Responding to client with success: {“status”:0,“value”:{“build”:{“version”:“1.4.13”,“revision”:“c75d8adcb66a75818a542fe1891a34260c21f76a”},“isShuttingDown”:false},“sessionId”:“1e61bfc3-a737-4a54-ae3f-88f97b325b49”}

info: <-- GET /wd/hub/status 200 3.832 ms - 179 {“status”:0,“value”:{“build”:{“version”:“1.4.13”,“revision”:“c75d8adcb66a75818a542fe1891a34260c21f76a”},“isShuttingDown”:false},“sessionId”:“1e61bfc3-a737-4a54-ae3f-88f97b325b49”}

info: [debug] [INST STDERR] 2016-01-29 17:27:41.778 instruments[774:8649] Failed to start Instruments daemon on ‘Christopher’s iPhone (9.2)’ (The service is invalid.)

info: [debug] [INST] Waiting for device to boot…

info: [debug] [INST STDERR] 2016-01-29 17:27:42.471 instruments[774:8645] Failed to start Instruments daemon on ‘Christopher’s iPhone (9.2)’ (The service is invalid.)

info: [debug] [INST STDERR] Instruments Usage Error : Timed out waiting for device to boot: “Christopher’s iPhone (9.2)”

info: [debug] [INSTSERVER] Instruments exited with code 255

info: [debug] Killall instruments
info: [debug] Instruments crashed on startup
info: [debug] We exceeded the number of retries allowed for instruments to successfully start; failing launch
info: [debug] Stopping iOS log capture
info: [debug] Running ios sim reset flow
info: [debug] Killing the simulator process
info: [debug] Killing any other simulator daemons
info: [debug] Killall iOS Simulator

info: [debug] On a real device; cannot clean device state

error: Failed to start an Appium session, err was: Error: Instruments crashed on startup

info: [debug] Cleaning up appium session
info: [debug] Error: Instruments crashed on startup
at [object Object].Instruments.onInstrumentsExit (/Applications/
at [object Object]. (/Applications/
at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:110:17)
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:1074:12)
info: [debug] Responding to client with error: {“status”:33,“value”:{“message”:“A new session could not be created. (Original error: Instruments crashed on startup)”,“origValue”:“Instruments crashed on startup”},“sessionId”:null}
info: <-- POST /wd/hub/session 500 118690.857 ms - 182

Is UI Automation enabled on the device?

If so, you might check the instruments log for more info on this crash, located here: