IOS inspector not working in new 9.3.2 when it worked previously

I’ve been using Appium on my IOS app for about 6 months. Never really had an issue. After I left the office on Friday, I’ve updated the iPad to the new 9.3.2 os version. Now when I try and launch the inspector I consistently receive this error:

[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] May 23 12:53:00 Rockville-iPad CommCenter[25] : - system activity completed

[HTTP] --> GET /wd/hub/status {}

[MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.getStatus() with args: []

[debug] [Instruments] [INST STDERR] 2016-05-23 12:52:48.991 instruments[59185:2387667] WebKit Threading Violation - initial use of WebKit from a secondary thread.

[debug] [Instruments] Instruments exited with code 253

[Instruments] Error launching instruments: Instruments crashed on startup

[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] May 23 12:53:01 Rockville-iPad gputoolsd[221] : schedule invalidation <DYTransport 0x166004c0, error: lost transport connection (31)>

[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] May 23 12:53:01 Rockville-iPad gputoolsd[221] : terminating daemon 0x16600270
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] May 23 12:53:01 Rockville-iPad DTServiceHub[214] : Could not create service named
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] May 23 12:53:01 Rockville-iPad notification_proxy[147] : 0x40115000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!

Anyone else having sudden issues connecting or know what is causing this issue?

@squeemish – Yes I’m seeing this as well (Appium 1.5.2). No luck getting the inspector to work. More importantly, I can’t get instruments to run, preventing any automation from working. iOS logs included:

[debug] [Instruments] Attempting to launch instruments, this is try #1
[Instruments] Launching instruments
[debug] [Instruments] Attempting to run app on real device with UDID ‘<MY_UDID>’
[debug] [Instruments] Found Insruments-Without-Delay: /Applications/
[debug] [Instruments] Spawning instruments with command: ‘/Applications/ -t /Applications/ -D /var/folders/vr/21x7yy7113z99g5vc1cq9ym1g087mz/T/appium-instruments/instrumentscli0.trace -w <MY_UDID> com.firstalert.onelinksafety -e UIASCRIPT “/Users/ahorn/Library/Application Support/appium/bootstrap/bootstrap-65788ec13439bc49.js” -e UIARESULTSPATH /var/folders/vr/21x7yy7113z99g5vc1cq9ym1g087mz/T/appium-instruments’
[debug] [Instruments] And launch timeouts (in ms): {“global”:90000}

[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] May 24 09:06:25 iPhone[1] : assertion failed: 13F69: launchd + 116796 [9F6284CF-8A17-36CC-9DB5-85D510A21F14]: 0x3

[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] May 24 09:06:25 iPhone[1] : assertion failed: 13F69: launchd + 116796 [9F6284CF-8A17-36CC-9DB5-85D510A21F14]: 0x3

[debug] [Instruments] [INST STDERR] 2016-05-24 09:06:25.758 instruments[2431:15784] WebKit Threading Violation - initial use of WebKit from a secondary thread.

[debug] [Instruments] Instruments exited with code 253

[Instruments] Error launching instruments: Instruments crashed on startup

[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] May 24 09:06:26 iPhone DTServiceHub[213] : Could not create service named

[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] May 24 09:06:26 iPhone DTServiceHub[213] : Could not create service named
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] May 24 09:06:26 iPhone gputoolsd[228] : schedule invalidation <DYTransport 0x12f604be0, error: lost transport connection (31)>
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] May 24 09:06:26 iPhone gputoolsd[228] : schedule invalidation <DYTransport 0x12f604be0, error: lost transport connection (31)>
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] May 24 09:06:26 iPhone gputoolsd[228] : terminating daemon 0x12f50aa50
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] May 24 09:06:26 iPhone gputoolsd[228] : terminating daemon 0x12f50aa50
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] May 24 09:06:26 iPhone notification_proxy[182] : 0x16e247000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] May 24 09:06:26 iPhone notification_proxy[182] : 0x16e247000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] May 24 09:06:26 iPhone notification_proxy[182] : 0x16e247000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] May 24 09:06:26 iPhone notification_proxy[182] : 0x16e247000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!

[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] May 24 09:06:27 iPhone searchd[158] : ====^^^^ DuetExpert missing data, count -> people:0 applicationDeepLinks:0 applications:8 requests:5 missingAllDataRequests:0

[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] May 24 09:06:27 iPhone searchd[158] : ====^^^^ DuetExpert missing data, count -> people:0 applicationDeepLinks:0 applications:8 requests:5 missingAllDataRequests:0

[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] May 24 09:06:27 iPhone Preferences[226] : /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/[EAAccessoryManager _checkForConnectedAccessories]_block_invoke-632 ending background task
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] May 24 09:06:27 iPhone Preferences[226] : /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/[EAAccessoryManager _checkForConnectedAccessories]_block_invoke-632 ending background task
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] May 24 09:06:27 iPhone SpringBoard[58] : HW kbd: Failed to set (null) as keyboard focus
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] May 24 09:06:27 iPhone SpringBoard[58] : HW kbd: Failed to set (null) as keyboard focus

[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] May 24 09:06:29 iPhone locationd[64] : scan result, count, wait, 0, retry, 0, error

[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] May 24 09:06:29 iPhone locationd[64] : scan result, count, wait, 0, retry, 0, error

Looks like I am not the only one experiencing an issue with Appium since the test iPad updated to 9.3.2. I expect given this issue has only been noted in the last day or so that it might be a while before a fix.

I am facing the same issue with Appium 1.4.13 on iOS 9.3.2

Same here, appium 1.52, iOS 9.3.2

I had the same issue after the iOS v9.3.2 upgrade. Instruments were crashing even with the newest Appium v1.5.3.
The only thing I had to do was to list the device in Xcode and process symbol files. Xcode/Window/Devices then click your device the symbol files processing starts automatically and lasts some time.