iOS mobile version - 14

Hi All,

Have a query and need your help in setup - iOS Appium for my work place.

Currently , we are using Appium for both Android and iOS automation. Below configurations is working fine with out any issues.

Current versions:
iOS Mobile OS version - 12.1.4
Mac book OS - 10.14.6 ( Mojave)
Appium -1.15

Not working Versions:
iOS Mobile OS version - 14
Mac book OS - -10.15.7
Appium - 1.18.0

Issue : Unable to complete the setup ,Getting error while fetching dependenciew YYcache and CocoaAsyncSocket which is not able to install for webdriver agent.

Is the issue because of any compatibility between the versions of software’s i installed ? .Could you please share the compatible list for run iOS mobile automation using iOS 14 (Xcode , Mac book OS ,Appium)

Could anyone please help. Thanks in advance.

1.18.2 - works. Try…

Thanks @Aleksei , will have a try and update here.