[iOS][Safari] Could not navigate to webview; there are none!

I’m facing this problem with my appium/ios configuration and I need some guidance.

Im running WebDriverAgent separately on localhost:8100 and it looks ok (please check logs)
When Im running my test (please check attachments), I can see the Safari starting, but it is trying to go to appium.io instead my desired google.com - also it never reaches print(1) (point in test), and at this point it crashes with Exception (please check test.log)

I did try to run test:
without ios_webkit_debug_proxy
with ios_webkit_debug_proxy
with ios_webkit_debug_proxy -f localhost:8100/inspector.html

always the same result

appium --version

/usr/bin/xcodebuild -version
Xcode 10.2.1
Build version 10E1001

real device
ideviceinfo -u 9b14fb1e384aed2b4cfe8dc0daa9a6c396aab3d9 | grep -i productversion
ProductVersion: 12.2

Do you guys have any suggestions? or tips how to handle this issue?

Had to trim logs 2 2 files - since Im new user ;(

appium.log.txt (378.9 KB)
test.txt (2.5 KB)

you need to use appium@beta for 12.2

did upgrade to @beta version but still the same error.
what I do not understand is why its trying to get appium.io instead of my requested url
and why sending request to port 27753 ??

when I explicitly ask for “webDriverAgentUrl”:“http://localhost:8100” ?? and the agent is working on 8100…

appium log attached:

appium.log.2.txt (8.3 KB)

[iOS] Attempted to get a list of webview contexts but could not connect to ios-webkit-debug-proxy. If you expect to find webviews, please ensure that the proxy is running and accessible

is iwdp running? Have you tried startIWDP cap?

what I do not understand is why its trying to get appium.io instead of my requested url
and why sending request to port 27753 ??

because these are the default values. You need to provide custom capability values to change them

I did try to run test:

  1. without ios_webkit_debug_proxy
  2. with ios_webkit_debug_proxy
  3. with ios_webkit_debug_proxy -f localhost:8100/inspector.html

also Im sure 8100 port WDA is working:
{“value”:{“build”:{“productBundleIdentifier”:“com.facebook.WebDriverAgentRunner”,“time”:“Apr 29 2019 11:15:04”},“ios”:{“ip”:“”,“simulatorVersion”:“12.2”},“os”:{“name”:“iOS”,“sdkVersion”:“12.2”,“version”:“12.2”},“state”:“success”,“udid”:“9b14fb1e384aed2b4cfe8dc0daa9a6c396aab3d9”},“sessionId”:“0630AEA4-A8D7-406F-8433-8F1BAD7633E3”,“status”:0}

hmmm, is this cap OK: “webDriverAgentUrl”:“http://localhost:8100” ??
also tried “webDriverAgentUrl”:“http://localhost:8100/Inspector.thml” ??