IOS tests optimization

Hi! i’m new with mobile apps.

I´m using the last version of Appium (1.3.1), the las version of java-client 2.0.0, JUnit 4.0 and the lastest version of Selenium.

I’m using Genymotion to run my Android’s tests. And the iOS Simulator of Xcode to run my IOS’s tests.

My problem is that my IOS test are very slow, mainly in when init the test, because my simultor turnoff and reboot every time.

Can you helpme with:
1- Any idea about if exists any simulator faster than Xcode simulator.
2- When i use the method resetapp of AppiumDriver, the app open logged in. How can i restart my app, with reboot the simulator, and not logged in?


Juan Cruz

I don’t know about any real optimization with the Xcode Simulator.
But I always test on real devices. Compared to testruns on Simulator, they are way faster since no reboot or similar happens.
So if you are able to test on real devices, you should go for that

Juan, you could try a teardown method that logs out the user after a test

Thanks Rakataka and Ben_Boral .
@Rakatak: I need to run in a Simulator, because are to many test and i need to parallel the test suite. Even the idea is run the test in sauce lab.

@Ben_Boral: Yes, it’s a good form i think.
But the status of my app in the second tests (for example) depends of the result of the first. Then if the first test modify something, in my tearDown i need to rollback that, if the test really did the modify and didn’t fail.
I need to reset all modifies in my app, and erase all data after any test.

It seems like the best idea is to make your tests independent of each other.