I have requirement, that when user starts our android app, correct keyboard, based on his language on the app (not in the os) is show to him automatically (during app first launch, there is registration process, where also the language is set) . So I should verify that correct keyboard is shown for the user.
I can make the keyboard visible quite easily, capture screen shot and visually inspect the keyboard from screen capture. But in some languages, the differences between the keyboard are quite small. So I should actually press long for some of the keyboard buttons, to see the special characters under the one key, to be able to decide is this correct keyboard for the user or not. Is it possible to long press keyboard buttons in android? And it is not enough to do this:
element = driver.find_element_by_android_uiautomator(locator_of_input_field)
because there are plenty of requirements to actually verify the correctness of the keyboard.