Is there any possiblty to scroll in webview?

I am trying to scroll on webview in both android and iOS. But scrollTo method does not support for webview.

Is there any other way to achieve this ?

can you please check “ScrollAble” properties in UIAutomator for that element?

Priyank Shah

Here is how I scroll in web views for iOS

driver.context("WEBVIEW_2"); //Switch to the context - find this in appium inspector
driver.switchTo().frame("manageFrame"); //Switch to the frame in which your element is found
WebElement editSecurity = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[contains(@class,'enhanced')]//a[@class='editSection']")); //Create a web element of the item you want to scroll to 

            ((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript("arguments[0].scrollIntoView(true);" , editSecurity);
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Hi @JasmineJames,

Solution above helps, but scrolls past the required element on webview.
Could you please help in this regard?
I tried Android Driver’s scrollTo and scrolltoExact methods but same behaviour is observed


Sorry for the late response. I can only speak in regards to iOS. I don’t test Android at all. Perhaps start a new thread for this issue.

Sure, @JasmineJames, Thank you.