**issue in paralell execution with two different ports:**

We would like to use appium for mobile application testing using two android real device
We successfully installed appium (version and able to do basic test execution in one android device

ISSUE observed :
We are unable to run the same test case on another android mobile device. By default it takes 4723 port number and runs the test cases on first device instead run on second one. please find the command that we tried to launch appium server with different port number.

adb device
4df1b8713b076f13 - S3
07d9043f - Nexus

1)appium -U 07d9043f -p 4723
2)appium -U 4df1b8713b076f13 -p 4733 ****Unable to launch server in 4733 port instead it starts on 4723

Can any one help me to execute same test case on both the devices?

You should check out this link: http://blog.zymr.com/configuring-appium-node-servers-with-selenium-grid

You will generally need to use Selenium Grid to executes tests on multiple devices in parallel. Also you will need an appium server instances/nodes on each port. Hope that helps.