Issue with iOS driver in Appium


I am having a hybrid app for iOS, Android and windows devices, when I am inspecting my elements in a Mac in a iOS simulator or a real iOS device by using a inspector session for some elements like buttons, the Xpath is returning same with some special characters like “//XCUIElementTypeButton[@name=“”]” for different buttons and name and labels as “”. Hence it is very difficult to write the test case with these inputs. Hence to understand whether this is a issue with the iOS driver. Now I am completely blocked.

Provide setup details (iOS/Appium version ?) and screenshot of the inspector output.

iOS version 9, 10, 11 everywhere

- Appium desktop app for Mac (Version 1.3.1 (1.3.1)).

Hi @dibyapattanaik,

I have also experienced the same thing, appium inspector returned this only when we are trying to fetch the arrow buttons, you can work with these xpaths whenever you want to perform operations on arrow buttons. I think this shouldn’t be blocker.


There is Another tool Accessibility Inspector, which comes with Xcode, can you try that.

@Shubham_Agarwal - no this is not the ask here, if you will see the screen shot, you can see the xpaths are coming same for all the buttons with a special character, also appium is not returning the class name, but for android app the appium android driver is retuning the class name which we can use to automate.