Java-client 2.2.0 released


Added new TouchAction methods for LongPress, on an element, at x,y coordinates, or at an offset from within an element
SwipeElementDirection changed. Read the documentation, it’s now smarter about how/where to swipe
Added APPIUM_VERSION MobileCapabilityType
sendKeyEvent() moved from AppiumDriver to AndroidDriver
linkText and partialLinkText locators added
setValue() moved from MobileElement to IOSElement
Fixed Selendroid PageAnnotations


Hi jonahss,

I see conflicting information here. You mentioned that sendKeyEvent() is moved from AppiumDriver to IOSDriver, but I couldn’t find it. From this link,, it mentioned that sendKeyEvent() is moved from AppiumDriver to AndroidDriver instead since it is only supported in Android. Would you help me look into it? I was using it on IOS device and it was working fine until now since it is no longer in the AppiumDriver. Thanks!

The changelog just had a typo. that’s fixed now.

Where can i find the documentation for this @jonahss ?

Full javadocs here, as mentioned on the github readme

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