Java-client version 3.4.1 released

Hi everebody!
Java-client version 3.4.1 has been released. It is generally the same as v3.4.0
with some minor changes:

  • Update to Selenium v2.53.0

  • all dependencies were updated to latest versions

  • the dependency on org.apache.commons commons-lang3 v3.4 was added

  • the fix of Widget method invocation.#340. A class visibility was taken into account. Thanks to aznime for the catching.

  • Server flags were added:

    • GeneralServerFlag.ASYNC_TRACE


  • Source code was formatted using eclipse-java-google-style.xml. This is not the complete solution. The code style checking is going to be added further. Thanks to SrinivasanTarget for the work!


Hi there,

I got few Questions to asks on appium. I don’t know if this is right place to post it.

Issue is- I am unable to tap on Login button of my app through my automation script. I am able to place Username and password on the text fields. the following is the code which i had written to tap on login button for IOS. I am using Simulator iPad retina 8.4

(MobileElement) LoginButton=(MobileElement) wd.findelement.(By.Xpath("\UAIXXx\XX\xxxx\xxx\UAIButton"));


I can see a tap on login button but it is not taking me to other screen. When i tap manually it enters. What could be the reason?