Key event for hamburger icon on the physical device

I want minimize the app using home icon that is on the mobile
Then I want to tap on the hamburger icon to see the minimized apps.

What is the key used to see the minimized app? Please somebody help me on the same

you can use one of following lines to access Android menu:

((AndroidDriver) driver).pressKeyCode(AndroidKeyCode.KEYCODE_MENU);
((AndroidDriver) driver).pressKeyCode(AndroidKeyCode.HOME);
((AndroidDriver) driver).pressKeyCode(AndroidKeyCode.BACK);

This didn’t work, I want to reopen the minimized app

to reopen use:

try {driver.runAppInBackground(1);} catch (Exception e) {}

I want see the minimized app

I want o longpress on the hamburger icon on the device, that is besides home icon. I am not getting the key code for that

 ((AndroidDriver) driver).longPressKeyCode(AndroidKeyCode.KEYCODE_MENU);

it didn’t work. I want to open the above attached page.