Launch ios simulator with appium 1.5.2, it will launch simulator 2 or 3 times

the same cofig with appium 1.4.13, but use appium 1.5.2 to launch ios simulator , it will launch simulator 2 or 3 times,

Yes , I see the same. iPhone simulator is restarted twice and launched.

But in the iPhone simulator Safari browser is not opening the desired url , instead giving the message as “Safari cannot open the page because the server cannot be found”. my configuration as follows.
Mac OS: 10.11.3
XCode: 7.2
iPhone Simulator: 9.2
Appium: 1.5.3
JDK: 1.8.0_71
can anyone help me in this?

Same thing is happening for me as well…

same thing here, please help if any one come across the resolution?