Lexicalor or Pre-processor issue - XCTest/XCUITestCoordinate.h file not found

I am getting lexical or preprocessor issue while building WebdriverAgent project in xcode. Please find below steps:

  1. Upgraded MAC OS to 10.11.6 and xcode to 8.1
  2. Installed carthage, deviceconsole, ios-deploy, webdriver, appium version using npm install command(appium Version : 1.6.2)
  3. Webdriveragent project was located in User/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/WebDriverAgent
  4. Open the “WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj” in xcode
  5. Logged in with Apple ID; provisioning profile and certificate were properly set for all the targets
  6. When I am trying to build the project for “WebDriverAgentLib” scheme, build is getting successful
  7. But When I am trying to build the project for “WebDriverAgentRunner” scheme, build is getting failed with following issue in “FBAlert.m” file:

Lexical or pre-processor Issue - XCTest/XCUICoordinate.h file not found

Please advice.