Locators for iOS inbuilt prompts are displayed in appium inspector but in test it is not interact-able and not being displayed in page source

I am using Appium version - 2.5.1
The locators for ios device prompts like Allow notifications etc is displayed in Appium-inspector but while running the test,it is not interact-able and the locator for the same is also not displayed in Page source as well.

@mykola-mokhnach I tried using the driver.switch.to alert command but it seems like it might work only for prompts with only 2 button.
So is there ant command to work with prompts having 3 buttons like the location prompt in iOS which has 3 buttons?

Try https://github.com/appium/appium-xcuitest-driver/blob/master/docs/reference/execute-methods.md#mobile-alert

Try configuring the appium session settings using below mentioned values:

“appium:platformVersion”: “16.0.2”,
“appium:newCommandTimeout”: 0,
“appium:noReset”: true,
“appium:bundleId”: “com.xxxxxx”,
“appium:isAutomationEnabled”: true,
“appium:udid”: “0000xxxxxxxxx02E”,
“platformName”: “iOS”,
“appium:deviceName”: “iPhone 11 Pro”,
“appium:automationName”: “XCUITest”,
“appium:wdaLocalPort”: “8104”,
“appium:settings”: {
“respectSystemAlerts”: true

Source : appium-xcuitest-driver/docs/guides/troubleshooting.md at master · appium/appium-xcuitest-driver · GitHub