Looking for someone to decompile snapchat .apk and change manifest

Hey, was trying to test snapchat via appium and found out that there is a problem described here Permission to start activity denied while launching the app - almost all activities are flagged with android:exported=“false” so I have tried to decompile it with apktool and build back but had no success. Is there a way to do this, if you are able to, please, write me in skype: maksim96chic or telegram: @sparrowyy

You may not copy, modify, distribute, sell, or lease any part of our Services, nor may you reverse engineer or attempt to extract the source code of that software, unless laws prohibit these restrictions or you have our written permission to do so.

(c) https://www.snap.com/en-US/terms/

what about gtfo snap requirements?

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I also want to decompile the Snapchat app…