Native AddressBook

Hi, I have a problem

i am doing automation for my application (android). during the test i need to open the Native AddressBook and create new contact. the problem is that each type of phone has his Native AddressBook application (I need to run my automatically test for my app on different phone types) and i cant create automation on that app (Native AddressBook) because the screens and elements are different between all phone type

I tried to download from apple store some Contact app and install them on the all Phone type and use it. but in all contacts app when i press on “+” to create new contact the app go to the default Native AddressBook that on the phone And use its optionץ

What can i do ???

Thanks !

you may try to make workaround for each element like:

    @HowToUseLocators(iOSXCUITAutomation = LocatorGroupStrategy.ALL_POSSIBLE)
        @iOSXCUITFindBy(id = "plus_1") // iPhone4/iPhone6
        @iOSXCUITFindBy(id = "plus_2") // iPhone5s
        @iOSXCUITFindBy(id = "plus_3") // iPhone7
    private IOSElement plusIcon;