Native android automation constantly hanging

I can barely get through 2 trivial tests without appium hanging. It’s favorite places to hang are when install it’s {appname}-debug.apk package and when sending key events. Right now it has been sitting for several minutes at info: [debug] executing cmd: /opt/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools/adb -s shell “input keyevent 3”

Is there anything remedy for these incessant hangs? I’m very close to dumping appium altogether.

Running appium version 3.1.0. Phone is running kitkat 4.4.2. Up to date android sdk.


While I don’t know the source of your troubles, your Appium version is very old. Please update to a more recent version and try your tests again. There were several issues in Appium prior to 1.3.3 which made it difficult for us to use. We are currently on 1.4.7 and not experiencing many problems (latest is 1.4.10)

  1. it’s my java-client that is at 3.1.0. The appium server is at 1.4.10.

  2. has no one anything to offer for stopping the incessant hangups? I did a google search and found dozens of reported cases and no solutions.

Try posting your issue on appium github page if you want the issue to be fixed.