Need Appium Free Lancer for a short job

i am trying to run safari automation on IOS 7.0.5 via appium client 1.2.2 on MAC 10.8.5 XCode 5.1.1
and keep failing

i am using capabilities from C#

I am willing to pay for those who will help me side by side until i will figure out how to do it

[email protected]

please !!!

Are you running on simulator or device?

Follow the steps in the below link if you want to run test on safari browser on device

in case i want to run against device but i do not have the SafariLauncher App
can i manually open the safari on the iPhone and it will work ?
basically i want to start with simulator, do you have manual how to run against simulator?

thank you so much for your help


There is a good explanation what should be done for that:

And this capability is not needed also. Inject “udid” for sure:
capabilities.setCapability(“udid”, “get udid from device”);

thanks for your help
as a start i want to run with simulator and not the real device
can you instruct me how to use the simulator?

thank you

That is the topic before:-)

There is capabilities example on the right side

In the appium log i got the following error
“Error: couldnt find built in app in its home or temp dir”
seems that MobileSafari is lost
how can i copy it again? should i download it ?

Seems, appium deleted this file accidently. Please, try to find this file on Mac first.
Remember, I copied it from another one Mac with the same Xcode version and did file backup for sure.

And one more hint that could be the case:-)
From here (
I did this after run

You need to authorize use of the iOS Simulator. If you are running Appium from NPM, you’ll do this by running sudo authorize_ios (authorize_ios is a binary made available by the Appium npm package). If you’re running Appium from source, simply run sudo grunt authorize to do the same thing. If you are running, you can authorize iOS through the GUI.

Hi Everybody,

If anyone need help to work with;

  • Appium Safari Tests on Simulator
  • Appium Safari Tests on Real Device (iPhone, iPad, iPod)
  • Appium Any App Tests on Real Device (iPhone, iPad, iPod)
  • Multi Appium instance to work with multiple iOS devices with Virtual Machines etc.
    Let us know via [email protected] , we’ll be happy to help all of you…


You can go through this blog, I have clearly mentioned the steps to configure SafariLauncher and run your webtest on Real device on Safari browser: