Need help setting up appium for hybrid web application test automation

Hello, I need to setup appium for hybrid web application test automation.
Can someone please help me out as I am really confused and have no idea where to start?
Any help would be appreciated!


Do you want to share some ideas?
I’m also doing the same thing… Im working with robotframework,appium library and appium server to make automated tests in hybrid apps. So far I’m able to install the app and open it but then the appium server doesn’t find the elements in the webview… actually it doesnt find the webview. When I do a Get Contexts I only get the NATIVE_APP.

Any ideias about this ?

Is there something I can help you with ?


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thank you for the reply.
So the thing is I’m very new to all this so I haven’t got as far as you.
All I did so far is install appium on my windows laptop and I’m trying to figure out the next steps.
Can you maybe help with this?
Thank you!

In this case, you need to check the appium log. Perhaps it is because your Android API Level <=18 (I guess you’re using android app, right ?)

If so, you need to specify use Selendroid to test your app.

i strongly suggestion install appium by node in command line. Otherwise, maybe you will meet some strange issues in future.

  1. Download NodeJS from official site and install.
  2. npm install -g appium

If everything goes well, you got the appium and you can use below commands to test if the appium is available after installation.

appium -v

After that, if no error raised. you can use below command to check your environment



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My API level its 23. Its a hybrid app devel version enabled to debug with chrome devices.

Im using Windows, is there instructions to install appium with command prompt ?
Thanks a lot for your help so far.

Hi ashton,

Any ideas of how you want to write your tests? Java ? python? others…
Frameworks? Robot Framework for example.

Thank you so much Ana!
I was think of doing it in JS.
Any pointers?

Thanks William!! This was really helpful!

I’m not working with JS but if I was the one starting… I would go to this
select JavaScript and then there is a page with a lot of info related to appium and js.

Other then that I would follow the mailing lists related to appium and other technologies integrated that you choose to use. In google groups you may find some good discussions and I find here the appium discuss also very helpful.
Till the point where I am now I was all about searching reading and contacting developers to find if they had any solution to their old problems, the ones I’m facing now. Share a lot of information and information will be shared with you. Basically keep on going and participate in the communities and discussions.

:sweat_smile: not much of a help but Im not using JS :confused: about appium there is a good introductory book online (cant share names :grin: )

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Any suggestion on this ?

Please follow below instruction:

So I did the install like you suggested, but still no better status on my issue… any other Ideas?

I opened this issue with more details :