Need help with appium driver setup class

Hi Guys,

I’m new to Appium & trying to build up TestSuite for our App, So far I have: appium-java-client:7.6.0, TestNG7.6.1,Allure:2.19.0, also surefire plugin using maven, & running tests on simulator & emulator.

Can someone please help me or guide me how to have a driverSetup class which I can call in my tests? or point me in the right direction? I think there is some issue running android & ios tests in parallel

In each test I’m creating driver session in beforeMethod & driver.quit() in afterMethod

The problem I’m running into now is that:
I added new tests & for android now I get this error everytime when I run ios & android tests togeather with: mvn clean test

this happens for the last testcase:

An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Could not proxy command to the remote server. Original error: socket hang up

if I run android tests separately everything works fine

this is how my TestNG file looks like:

<suite name="" parallel="tests" thread-count = "2">
<test name="Android Registration Test">
        <class name="android.RegistrationTest"/>
<test name="IOS Registration Test">
        <class name="ios.RegistrationTest"/>
<test name="IOS Login Test">
        <class name="ios.LoginTest"/>
<test name="Android Login Test">
        <class name="android.LoginTest"/>
<test name="Android Today Screen Cards Test">
        <class name="android.TodayScreenCardsTest"/>

Thanks for the help

a reboot may solve this… at least until you work out what you broke.
Basically, always start from a clean environment. I don’t use the same toolstack, so cannot comment, but it looks like when you have an overflowing box of tools, you need to get a lot more controlling over them all. Also a good idea to have a spare machine to validate environments against.