Need help with real device launch please

Hi everyone,

I was running my tests on the Simulator and they were running absolutely fine. Now I just tried to run the tests on the real device and the WDA launches but my app never gets launched.
And then I get an error: [JSONWP Proxy] Got response with status 200: {“value”:"Failed to launch com.xx…xx…}
I have no idea what I’m missing. Could someone please help?
iOS 10.2
Appium 1.6.3
xcode 8.2

I have also made sure that the wdaxcodeproj is code signed and has provisioning profile set properly in Xcode.

Thanks in advance!


There are some additional steps that need to be followed when running tests on real devices for iOS. Please see that you follow all the steps mentioned in the below link (especially from the real devices section) -

Also, please share the detailed logs in-case of errors.

I think I have most of that covered. In the past it was working for me whenever I was using xcode to deploy a debug Build to the app.

The only difference is that this time I am just using a .app file that was sent to me from my developer. It is a Crashlytics build. I believe i have the Crashlytics cert On the device.

You need .ipa file for real device