NetworkConnectionSetting in Java Client only for Android?

@wreed @p00j4
I need to enable and disable WiFi or data in iPhone using appium. Is it possible?

When went through some blogs it saying this capability only supported for Android.

Any one have the idea about this.

I have not tried anything like this and I’m not sure how I’d go about it.

I did a quick google search and found this old, but possibly promising page:

I have no idea if that would work on current Xcode/iOS though.

Hi @wreed,

Network link conditioner is only to simulate different network condition. In iPhone, you can not instrument a single point which is not part of your debug app. you can not do the same things which you used to do it for android.
Other possible way which i see, is you can swipe up rapidly which pops up a screen which have Airplane/WIfi/Bluetooth/Brighness options. on that screen you need to tap on some coordinates(Again you can not locate these button in appium inspector, but you can tap on screen area only). but this is very naive approach because these coordinates changes iPhone 5S to iPhone 6.

Thanks @wreed for the reply


Appium says that it is not possible in ETHICAL way. Here is the link


Unfortunately, at the moment Appium does not support the Selenium network connection API for iOS.