Newbie Question: Best build tool for Appium?


Utter newbie here. I am really confused

MAVEN or ANT? Which one should I install for Appium?

Additionally I am assuming I need to install Jenkins as a CI tool. Is that right?

Do I also need GIT as well?

I know these are super easy and silly questions I just want make sure I am installing and doing the right thing from the ‘get go’.

thanks so much


I’m new at Mobile Automation as well. There are something I’d like to share.

I’m using Maven just only getting dependencies for testing purpose only.
And yes, Jenkins is one of CI tool and I’m using it as well.
Git is like source code management. You can you Jenkins to fetch the code from there and run the test.

@TuHuynh thanks so much. I thought so but there are so many options to choose.

Its all terribly confusing. I’m also planning to use Appium with a BDD framework.

Getting that set up this afternoon. Wish me luck (might need it!)

Good luck man! Just pick one thing to practice first then you will have chance to change them later.

@fypnlp I am using Maven as build tool, because its easy to setup Dependancies and Goal in pom.xml. Also easy to configure it with Jenkins. I also tried Maven with Bamboo and its worth it for me. Also you can understand Maven using its life cycle. go through below article you can get fair idea.

@TuHuynh @nishil81

You guys are both so awesome. Thank you for taking to the time to answer my questions. When you join a forum you can never tell how the other members will be. you both have been generous with your responses.

I hope I can play it forward myself one day too.