Newbie-->why appium install appium settings on android hybrid app all the times

I’m starting using appium to record test on android hybrid application.

I’m asking myself why appium install all the times appiun settings. It takes 20 seconds each time I open the inspector.

If i have the apk installed, why cannot connect directly to chromedriver for the webview context of the application?

These are my capabilities for the cordova/phonegap test application

“platformName”: “Android”,
“platformVersion”: “7.0”,
“deviceName”: “xiaomi”,
“automationName”: “UiAutomator2”,
“androidUseRunningApp”: true,
“androidActivity”: “com.lasterra.test.MainActivity”,
“androidPackage”: “com.lasterra.test”,
“appPackage”: “com.lasterra.test”,
“appActivity”: “.MainActivity”,
“autoWebview”: false,
“noReset”: true


That is solved in v1.7.2

Fix handling of install/upgrade of Appium helper apps (for settings manipulation
and unlocking of devices)

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Thanks. much better now¡