No Id displayed on the Inspector

I have set my appium right and inspector as well.
My goal is to run an appium test on an apk installed app.
I tried using the elementId but I keep getting the error… Parameters provided not found. on my terminal .
I tried Appium.Android_Automator as parameter and passed the ui selector. Still getting the same error.
So I am not sure what to do since I do not have as shown in the screenshot no accessibility id , no usable id…
Would someone Enlighten me on this …
Very urgent matter please

Have you checked with the developers whether they have added ids? That’s the first step. Also check what tech they have used to build the app. If it’s Jetpack Compose then the ids don’t display by default. They have to set a testTag on the element and configure the app so it shows the test tag as resource id.