Not able to capture button which is visible after swiping a cell in iOS

I have a scenario. I am using iOS. The contacts are listed in a table as cells. Each cell, i.e. each contact can be swiped to left and on swiping to left, a delete button appears. However, the delete button is some times captured and sometimes it isn’t. The button also has identifiers.

Any help in this?

@isaac @jlipps @jonahss : any insight?

If you call the getSource function of your driver, is the button present there?
This might be a timing issue, you should wait to make sure the button is there.

I swipe the cell to left and two buttons, namely – ‘Delete’ and ‘More’ get visible on UI. Then I wait for 5 seconds and then I call the getSource. It’s still not present there. Am I doing something wrong?

If it’s not present there, then even Apple UIAutomation isn’t aware of those buttons. That’s pretty strange but sounds like a bug in Instruments

The buttons aren’t in their own webview, are they?

No, they aren’t. Here’s the strange part – Appium inspector captures the element sometimes and sometimes it doesn’t. I haven’t been able to map any reason to this. However, my java script is never able to find the element.

I am also facing the same problem. Did it work?

No. However, the app design changed so this was no more a blocker for us.