Not able to launch .ipa file the using XCode 9.0 and Appium 1.6.6

Not able to launch .ipa file the using XCode 9.0 and Appium 1.6.6

Xcode : 8 and 9.0 beta
Appium : 1.6.6 beta(npm)
Application: iOS Real device ipa file
iOS: 10.2.1

I have configured XCode 9 and Appium 1.6.6 beta where i already have the XCode 8.3.3 . but when i launch the Application i got an error “Unable to launch WebDriver Agent because of Xcodebuild failure: xcode build failed with code 65”

but the same application working fine Xcode 8.3.3 and Appium 1.6.4 before installing the xcode 9.0 and appium 1.6.6

issue with webdriverAgent.

Open Xcode and rerun the WebdriverAgent(updatedWDABundleId) which is created earlier…with internet on…