Not able to pre-launch on real device

Not able to run my iPad app on device . With a simulator build it is launching on simulator , but dont have luck on device . Following is what appear on the Appium console. I am using Appium 1.2.0

debug: Starting Appium in pre-launch mode

debug: Using local app from command line: /Users/asabeer/Downloads/
debug: Creating new appium session 3dacba42-9a0d-47f7-b941-94b0e412536f
debug: Removing any remaining instruments sockets

info: Pre-launching app

debug: Cleaned up instruments socket /tmp/instruments_sock
debug: Cleaning up any tracedirs

debug: No tracedirs to clean up

debug: Setting Xcode folder

debug: Setting Xcode version

debug: Setting iOS SDK Version

debug: iOS SDK Version set to 7.1

debug: Detecting automation tracetemplate

debug: Not auto-detecting udid, running on sim

parseFileSync() is deprecated. Use parseStringSync() instead.

warn: Could not parse plist file at /Users/asabeer/Downloads/

debug: Not setting locale because we’re using a real device
debug: Creating instruments

debug: Preparing uiauto bootstrap
debug: Dynamic bootstrap dir: /Users/asabeer/Library/Application Support/appium/bootstrap
debug: Dynamic env: {“nodePath”:"/Applications/Appium",“commandProxyClientPath”:"/Applications/Appium"}
debug: Dynamic bootstrap code: // This file is automatically generated. Do not manually modify!

#import “/Applications/Appium”;

nodePath: “/Applications/Appium”,
commandProxyClientPath: “/Applications/Appium”,
debug: Dynamic bootstrap path: /Users/asabeer/Library/Application Support/appium/bootstrap/bootstrap-12c32fea9fcc54e5.js
debug: Reusing dynamic bootstrap: /Users/asabeer/Library/Application Support/appium/bootstrap/bootstrap-12c32fea9fcc54e5.js

debug: Not setting iOS and app preferences since we’re on a real device
debug: Starting iOS device log capture via idevicesyslog

debug: Not setting device type since we’re connected to a device

debug: Creating iDevice object with udid 8b8e86db0a47ff9a3d6543179e29e87c8b922b7d
debug: Installing app using cmd: /Applications/Appium install --id 8b8e86db0a47ff9a3d6543179e29e87c8b922b7d --bundle “/Users/asabeer/Downloads/”

debug: Cleaning up appium session