Not able to run appium with xcode 6

WebDriverException: Message: u’A new session could not be created. (Original error: Could not find ios simulator binary at /Applications/ Simulator)

so the simulator file is in /Applications/ Simulator

how do I change it in command line or how do I fix this issue ?

You’ll need to run these commands (as per this GitHub Issue)

## Fix the Instruments path. They changed the .bundle folder to .xrplugin
ln -sf /Applications/ /Applications/

## Match the directory structure of Xcode 5
mkdir /Applications/
mkdir /Applications/

## Fix the simulator app name. They changed it from iPhone Simulator to iOS Simulator (about time)
ln -sf /Applications/\ /Applications/\

## Fix the binary name. They changed it from iPhone Simulator to iOS Simulator (about time)
ln -sf /Applications/\\ Simulator /Applications/\\ Simulator
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