Hi Team,
I am trying to do automation around uber app using automation tool written in C# and tried to set text in one of its fields. unfortunately, I am not able to perform this operation and tried to set the text in other android app like LinkedIn and amazon too, there also I am not able to perform this operation.
In contrast with, we are using similar code to set text for other cloud agent like Saucelab, there I am able to perform this operation successfully.
As i debugged my code, i found an exception in line executor.Driver.SwitchTo().ActiveElement(); under the function TrySwitchToActiveElement()
below is my code.
protected override bool Execute(TExecutor executor)
#region execution
var element = executor.TryGetElementFromCache(elementId)?.AppiumElement;
if (element != null)
if (options.NeedTapBefore)
if (TryTapAndSwitchToActiveElement(executor, ref element) == false)
return TrySetTextUsingKeyboard(executor);
if (TrySetTextToElement(executor, element) == false)
return TrySetTextUsingKeyboard(executor);
return true;
#endregion execution
#region recording
if (TrySwitchToActiveElement(executor, ref element))
return TrySetTextToElement(executor, element);
else if (options.NeedTapBefore)
return TrySetTextUsingKeyboard(executor);
#endregion recording
return false;
private bool TryTapAndSwitchToActiveElement(TExecutor executor, ref IWebElement element)
if (TryTapElement(executor, element))
return TrySwitchToActiveElement(executor, ref element);
return false;
private bool TryTapElement(TExecutor executor, IWebElement element)
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
return false;
private bool TrySwitchToActiveElement(TExecutor executor, ref IWebElement element)
element = executor.Driver.SwitchTo().ActiveElement();
return true;
catch (NoSuchElementException ex)
executor.Log.Error(ex, $"There is no active mobile element to set text");
catch (Exception ex)
return false;
kindly assist me