Not able to set up on Mac Sierra 10.12

I would like to know why Appium is not able to be configured on Mac Sierra for automated testing with real device? All tutorials did not solve the problem. Please any advice or step-by-step tutorial how to set up.
Thank you in advance

Just for your information
I’m able to run automated tests with iPhone simulator, on Mac Sierra 10.12.6 with Appium 1.7.1 and Xcode 8.3 or 9.0
I never tried on a real device.

Thank you for reply, but I need to test on real device.
I have latest version of Xcode 9, Mac Sierra 10.12.6 and Appium 1.7.1. I was able to install the app, but app is not launching at all. WebAgentRunner is not working.
Can you please tell me tutorial you have used for configuring?

Actually, I have never ran automated tests on a real device. So, looking for info about that, I found this:

Anyway, I’m trying to do it

Can you be more specific, what error are you seeing and what steps did you try?

Thank you for support, it seems appium is working without issues started from terminal.