Not able to test my hybdrid app it contineously giving We're in the middle of processing a remote debugger command, waiting to run next command until done

af.js" -e UIARESULTSPATH /tmp/appium-instruments
info: [debug] And extra without-delay env: {}
info: [debug] And launch timeouts (in ms): {“global”:90000}
info: Instruments is ready to receive commands
info: [debug] Instruments launched. Starting poll loop for new commands.
info: [debug] Setting bootstrap config keys/values
info: [debug] Pushing command to appium work queue: “target = $.target();\nau = $;\n$.isVerbose = true;\n”
info: [debug] Socket data received (2 bytes)
info: [debug] Socket data being routed.
info: [debug] Sending command to instruments: target = $.target();
au = $;
$.isVerbose = true;

info: [debug] Socket data received (27 bytes)
info: [debug] Socket data being routed.
info: [debug] Got result from instruments: {“status”:0,“value”:true}
info: [debug] Setting initial orientation to PORTRAIT
info: [debug] Pushing command to appium work queue: “au.setScreenOrientation(‘PORTRAIT’)”
info: [debug] Sending command to instruments: au.setScreenOrientation(‘PORTRAIT’)
info: [debug] Socket data received (33 bytes)
info: [debug] Socket data being routed.
info: [debug] Got result from instruments: {“status”:0,“value”:“PORTRAIT”}
info: [debug] Setting auto webview
info: [debug] Navigating to most recently opened webview
info: [debug] [REMOTE] Getting WebKitRemoteDebugger pageArray
info: [debug] Picking webview WEBVIEW_1
info: [debug] Attempting to set context to ‘WEBVIEW_1’
info: [debug] [REMOTE] Debugger web socket connected to url [ws://localhost:27753/devtools/page/1]
info: [debug] [REMOTE] Unregistering from page readiness notifications
info: [debug] Waiting for app source to contain elements
info: [debug] Pushing command to appium work queue: “au.mainApp().getTreeForXML()”
info: [debug] We’re in the middle of processing a remote debugger command, waiting to run next command until done
info: [debug] We’re in the middle of processing a remote debugger command, waiting to run next command until done
info: [debug] We’re in the middle of processing a remote debugger command, waiting to run next command until done
info: [debug] We’re in the middle of processing a remote debugger command, waiting to run next command until done
info: [debug] We’re in the middle of processing a remote debugger command, waiting to run next command until done
info: [debug] We’re in the middle of processing a remote debugger command, waiting to run next command until done
info: [debug] We’re in the middle of processing a remote debugger command, waiting to run next command until done
info: [debug] We’re in the middle of processing a remote debugger command, waiting to run next command until done
info: [debug] We’re in the middle of processing a remote debugger command, waiting to run next command until done
info: [debug] We’re in the middle of processing a remote debugger command, waiting to run next command until done
info: [debug] We’re in the middle of processing a remote debugger command, waiting to run next command until done
info: [debug] We’re in the middle of processing a remote debugger command, waiting to run next command until done
info: [debug] We’re in the middle of processing a remote debugger command, waiting to run next command until done
info: [debug] We’re in the middle of processing a remote debugger command, waiting to run next command until done
info: [debug] We’re in the middle of processing a remote debugger command, waiting to run next command until done
info: [debug] We’re in the middle of processing a remote debugger command, waiting to run next command until done
info: [debug] We’re in the middle of processing a remote debugger command, waiting to run next command until done
info: [debug] We’re in the middle of processing a remote debugger command, waiting to run next command until done
info: [debug] We’re in the middle of processing a remote debugger command, waiting to run next command until done
info: [debug] We’re in the middle of processing a remote debugger command, waiting to run next command until done
info: [debug] We’re in the middle of processing a remote debugger command, waiting to run next command until done
info: [debug] We’re in the middle of processing a remote debugger command, waiting to run next command until done
info: [debug] We’re in the middle of processing a remote debugger command, waiting to run next command until done
info: [debug] We’re in the middle of processing a remote debugger command, waiting to run next command until done
info: [debug] We’re in the middle of processing a remote debugger command, waiting to run next command until done
info: [debug] We’re in the middle of processing a remote debugger command, waiting to run next command until done
info: [debug] We’re in the middle of processing a remote debugger command, waiting to run next command until done
info: [debug] We’re in the middle of processing a remote debugger command, waiting to run next command until done
info: [debug] We’re in the middle of processing a remote debugger command, waiting to run next command until done
info: [debug] We’re in the middle of processing a remote debugger command, waiting to run next command until done
info: [debug] We’re in the middle of processing a remote debugger command, waiting to run next command until done
info: [debug] We’re in the middle of processing a remote debugger command, waiting to run next command until done
info: [debug] We’re in the middle of processing a remote debugger command, waiting to run next command until done
info: [debug] We’re in the middle of processing a remote debugger command, waiting to run next command until done
info: [debug] We’re in the middle of processing a remote debugger command, waiting to run next command until done
info: [debug] We’re in the middle of processing a remote debugger command, waiting to run next command until done
info: [debug] We’re in the middle of processing a remote debugger command, waiting to run next command until done
info: [debug] We’re in the middle of processing a remote debugger command, waiting to run next command until done
info: [debug] We’re in the middle of processing a remote debugger command, waiting to run next command until done
info: [debug] We’re in the middle of processing a remote debugger command, waiting to run next command until done
info: [debug] We’re in the middle of processing a remote debugger command, waiting to run next command until done
info: [debug] We’re in the middle of processing a remote debugger command, waiting to run next command until done
info: [debug] We’re in the middle of processing a remote debugger command, waiting to run next command until done
info: [debug] We’re in the middle of processing a remote debugger command, waiting to run next command until done

I am having same issue on an iOS8.2 device. Did you find any solution to resolve this? Appreciate if you can share it.