Not be able to scroll UIACollectionView with ruby client

using appium server 1.3.7
ruby client
ios simulator 8.2, or 8.1,y:200).move_to(x:0,y:300).release.perform
tried to scroll down (drag) on a UIACollectionView, it does not work
but it works on a map view, could pan the map.

–1 move_to, function name is misleading, its x,y are delta based on current position, not absolute position.

–2, in the server log,
info: --> POST /wd/hub/session/6d78ba00-d572-49cb-9731-e75576fdcbfc/touch/perform {“actions”:[{“action”:“press”,“options”:{“x”:150,“y”:200}},{“action”:“moveTo”,“options”:{“x”:0,“y”:300}},{“action”:“release”}]}
info: [debug] Pushing command to appium work queue: “target.touch([{“touch”:[{“x”:150,“y”:200}],“time”:0.2},{“touch”:[{“x”:150,“y”:500}],“time”:0.4}])”
info: [debug] Sending command to instruments: target.touch([{“touch”:[{“x”:150,“y”:200}],“time”:0.2},{“touch”:[{“x”:150,“y”:500}],“time”:0.4}])
info: [debug] [INST] 2015-04-07 03:47:45 +0000 Debug: Got new command 15 from instruments: target.touch([{“touch”:[{“x”:150,“y”:200}],“time”:0.2},{“touch”:[{“x”:150,“y”:500}],“time”:0.4}])
info: [debug] [INST] 2015-04-07 03:47:45 +0000 Debug: evaluating target.touch([{“touch”:[{“x”:150,“y”:200}],“time”:0.2},{“touch”:[{“x”:150,“y”:500}],“time”:0.4}])
info: [debug] [INST] 2015-04-07 03:47:45 +0000 Debug: target.touch(__NSCFArray)

appium server basically translates it into two touch, this is not right.
it should be press down on (x1,y1), then drag to (x2,y2), then up.

I saw some post about swipe not working, but in my case, it works on map view, not on a uiaCollectionView, seems, server not doing right job…
anyone, saw the same issue?
